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Korean stereotypes of English teachers spreads all the way to ABC News.
Completely not surprised to find a Korean name on the byline.
Here's the article. http://abcnews.go.com/Travel/story?id=5838267&page=1
Here's supersleuth Matt from PopularGusts, chronicling the Korean media's history of scapegoating English teachers.
See the resemblance?
Frankly, it's embarrassing for ABC to fall for this kind of junk, and allow it up on their page, without sending a fact-checker in.
You can read the comments I left on the article's comment board (or read the copy of one of them here:)
As an English teacher in Korea who works hard, obeys the law, and nevertheless is often judged according to the crass stereotypes presented in the article above, I resent being characterized this way. Using interviews with only two English teachers, and providing no comparative context for the statistics used (comparing drug arrests to the total population of expats, the Korean population, the Korean rate, or the rapid increase in foreigners living in Korea) is lazy and irresponsible, and far below the standards of an international outlet.
Frankly, this article sounds like one of the intellectually lazy scapegoating smear-jobs frequently printed by domestic Korean media, which have been frequently and roundly criticized for bias, yellow journalism, distortion, and manufacturing news.
for example: http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/world/2008/07/05/jieae.sk.whats.the.beef.cnn?iref=videosearch
As Mike Hurt says over on Hub of Sparkle:
This journalism is not even as bad as the stuff the Korean media usually trots out — it’s worse. The claims being made are even broader, made to an audience that can’t really know otherwise than to think our citizens really are coming over and influencing all of Korea to smoke out, and the actual focus of the article isn’t really even ABOUT what the title suggests.
For more of my thoughts on the Korean media shitting on English teachers' reputation, see here.