Friday, June 27, 2008

Some videos and no commentary whatsoever.

Freddie Mercury

Another One Bites the Dust

This completely unrelated Korean ad was on approximately every five seconds in 2006.
Every single student I had could sing the song.

(must. . . not. . . make. . . commentary)

Elton John

I'm Still Standing

Sunkist Lemonade: a Korean ad that really sticks in your head.

Liberace, baby! (sweet mercy I wanted to post this one, but embedding was disabled)

Barrel Polka

Finally, the topper: these are members of the big-time Korean pop-bands Super Junior and Girls' Generation.

finally, in another completely unrelated link, Korea Beat, debunking a widespread (though not as widespread as before) myth some foreigners are told about Korea.


Brian said...

The guy in the second half of the first Sunkist ad is "Brian."

Roboseyo said...

His name is brian? That must be really fun for you.

Anonymous said...

It will be a beautiful day when that Super Junior guy (blond one) vanishes off the face of the earth or for god's sake, changes his hair style.

I could do with more Fly to the Sky though :) (The first Sunkist ad)