Wednesday, May 04, 2011

A Goldmine for Teacher Resources

Really, I should post this link once a month, just for good measure.

Jason is a former K-blogger, and KOTESOL member, now living in China.  While in Korea, he worked in Korea's public school system, and in his spare time (??? I hope he got paid for everything he did), he compiled the most extensive one-man compilation of living in Korea materials you can find.

His blog contains upwards of 300 pages worth of instructions, links, and suggestions that a first-time public school teacher might need.

It covers coteacher issues, lesson planning, survival in Korea, dealing with students, websites you should visit, books you should buy, handouts, pedagogy tips -- seriously, almost anything (a public school teacher) can think of.

Most of it's relevant for teachers at different levels, too.

So go read. Explore.  Benefit from the work Jason did.  And maybe leave a thank-you comment.

Here's the link. The work is under creative commons copyright, so give him credit, but share it widely.  Poke around his site. It's a goldmine.

1 comment:

busanchristian said...

I checked it out. That is a good guide for new English teachers.