Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tough Love, Cupcake: How to learn Korean or English

The Korean has an excellent article about how to learn a foreign language as an adult. The summary: suck it up and work hard, you wuss. Who ever told you learning a language well was going to be easy? Go read it.


Galinaros said...

*hi-five* You have an excellent habit of directing traffic away from your blog and having commenters post on those articles.

Despite that, it's still a good share. I found it the other day, too ^^

Roboseyo said...

yeah. I like to share. And if I say too much about it here, then a conversation starts in two places, instead of staying in one place... even though such under-written plugs break one of the rules in my "how to get notice in kblogland" post.

Anonymous said...

Korean work ethic can be scary. I, for one, have never studied enough to get a bloody nose (but I've heard it's something to strive for).

Brooke said...

I love your very succinct way of summarizing The Korean's post. ^_^ As a learning linguist, (working on Chinese, Japanese, and Korean in tandem, or should that be triodem?) I think I will come to this particular blog post whenever I feel that lazy, annoying, 'I'm too tired to study' side come up. ^_^