Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kopi Luwak: The World's Rarest Coffee. Yep. roboseyo drank cat poo coffee

Kopi Luwak: it's not a myth.

it's a real coffee, made from beans that have passed through a civet cat who has a knack for picking only the best coffee beans on the entire plantation, to eat.

It's a really rare delicacy, but my buddy Bryan (you can see him in the video) knew a place in Hongdae where we could get some. So, of course, we had to get some. Bryan explains more. And hang on for the reactions after we make the coffee and try it.

And of course, we made a Youtube video about it.

If you want to try the amazing cat poo coffee for yourself, you can go to Kaldi Coffee Club, up and around the corner from exit 4 of Hongik University Subway station. Here's their website, and their phone number. 02 335 7770, and here's a map of how to find them.


Robert said...

Invite me over for a cup.....
Robert Neff

kushibo said...

Civet cats may be a vector responsible for SARS (and, potentially, other disease).

I'd rather have Juan Valdez pick mine, thank you very much.

Roboseyo said...

Juan Valdez doesn't wash his hands after he goes to the bathroom.

Mike said...

Where exactly can you buy it? The wife wants to give it a try :)

Anonymous said...

That was awesome. Thanks for sharing the video.

For Christmas, a friend sent me pinon nut coffee from New Mexico. Although not quite of the same caliber as the poo coffee, I highly recommend it.

Roboseyo said...

Mike: I updated the post with information on the shop where we got it. Enjoy.

Mike said...

Awesome! I teach there every Wednesday, so I will pick some up next week.

Puffin Watch said...

The family dog is a wonderful vector for many viruses, germs, and parasites.


Also, many viruses emerge when humans live too close to their livestock. Another plus for factory farming.

Really any human production of any food can be a source of disease. It's a risk, be it a desire for coffee or a hot dog.

kushibo said...

Word, Puffin Watch.

A great many pandemic viruses seem to originate from southern China, where the three P's — people, pigs, and poultry — still live in extremely close conditions in many places.

This plus factory farming of food animals are great ways to spread disease through the human network.

Puffin Watch said...

This plus factory farming of food animals are great ways to spread disease through the human network.

Maybe we're using factory farming in a different way. What I mean is you have a city over here and in a very boring place where city people don't go you have huge factory farms. As we both agree, they come out of places where large populations live with their farm animals.

So despite vacant claims organic types make about the dangers of factory farms, factory farms are great ways to prevent new viruses. How many mutated viruses have come out of the USA? The USA is liikely the biggest factory farming nation in the world. Factory farms keep large populations well isolated from food production, thereby greatly diminishing the risk of the kind of lateral genetic transfer that results in things like SARS and swine flu.

kushibo said...

In general I agree with what you're saying, Puffin Watch. Very close proximity with food animals (à la southern China) is a good way to get interspecies jumping of virus and bacteria. What I was referring to with factory farming (as done in the US) is the spread of diseases that already exist: inadequate inspections, runoff of fecal matter in large livestock operations, excessive use of antibiotics (also here and here), crowded conditions that hurt the health of the animals, etc.

We in the US are addicted to low-cost meat, but we're paying for it externally.

Oh, and for the record, I'm NOT a vegetarian. I love to eat meat, but I prefer to eat less of it than the average American.

Anonymous said...

supposedly, kopi luwak beans are sweet, having to go through the digestion of the civet cats. they are then cleaned and processed by skilled harvesters in Sumatra. it's delightfully tasty. no wonder it's expensive. i would love to buy kopi luwak beans sometime.

Roboseyo said...

Very true i am totally agreed with you that it is World's Rarest Coffee. A distinguished coffee due to its unique production methods, Kopi Luwak coffee is exotic by nature and will leave you intrigued even after the first sip. The complex favor and hint of chocolate smoothness is preserved through light roasting.
Kopi Luwak