Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A Completely Fictional Account of My Chusok Trip to Kyoto

[So I'm going to tell the story of my trip to Osaka and Kyoto. But the only time I'm going to tell the truth is when it's surrounded by square brackets.] Actually, everything you're about to read is totally true.

[nice spelling]

So Girlfriendoseyo and I decided to take a trip to Kyoto this Chusok weekend. Chusok, as everybody knows by now, is a hugely important Korean national holiday to mark and celebrate the introduction of Spam into Korean cuisine. We all eat budaejigae or other spam dishes, and have a little ceremony to remember all the poor ancestors who couldn't eat Spam, and eat some traditional, pre-spam-era Korean food in all its blandness, to remember life before spam.

In Japan, they don't celebrate spam. Instead, they rub balls on their faces.

And their stomachs. However, rather than having a national holiday for it, people just do it in their spare time. This was at a little shop Girlfriendoseyo and I found in Osaka.

The real reason we went to Japan, however, wasn't just to avoid Korean holiday traffic -- Highway Rest Stop food is another staple of the Korean Chusok holiday, so the highways around Korea clutter up every Chusok with people heading out to the highway to buy tapes of Trot music, bad renditions of Kalguksu, and walnut bread and delimanjoo.

Actually, it started three weeks ago, when girlfriendosyo's brother got news that his wife's sister, who lives in Osaka [that IS true, though we didn't get a chance to meet her] had gotten into some bad business with the Yakuza, and had gone missing.

This is part of the ransom note. As you can see, the regional yakuza chief in charge of the kidnapping is actually a nine-year-old white girl who is so popular, they use her face on "smile enhancement product" packages. She's perky... but ruthless. She once killed eight people in a bar with a pool cue and a box of wet-napins. Actually, the wet-napkins were mostly for cleaning up.

Anyway, THIS guy (below), who also needs help with his smile because of his apparently too-small Japanese mouth, took down the dictation from Molly's ransom note, which basically came down to " better come get your sister-in-law-in-law, or we're going to turn her into a cyborg assassin using hacked cellphone technology and parts of an I-phone".
This was bad news for us: first of all, because we don't have i-phones in Korea yet, neither Girlfriendoseyo, nor her brother, nor I knew how t hack the i-phone.processor. Secondly, it's really hard to get your hands on airplane tickets during Chusok [plus, the travel agency was the most useless one I've ever heard of]. Fortunately, by stealing the wait list for a flight, and intimidating random people with threats and dirty cellphone camera picturs until they canceled their reservactions, girlfriendoseyo and I wheeled and dealed our way onto a plane.

After a quck lunch at a pastry-shop like this one, from Osaka's food market, and four kilograms of raw vegetables to counteract that ridiculous glut of cream, we headed out.

The top-notch, super-secret Yakuza-fighting equipment we'd brought along drew a fair bit of attention among the office workers in downtown Osaka, but fortunately we could stow it while we ate Okonomi yaki. (The samurai sword is beneath the bags.)

As you can see, it cleverly disguises itself as a regular bench when not in use tracking illicit communications between gangsters.

Even though we hid our weapons and spy stuff, one yakuza assassin DID manage to track us to downtown Osaka. We think the description, "Look for a hot Korean la-hay-day and a curly-haired bignose in a cowboy hat" gave us away... even though my Tillye hat is an Outback hat, not a cowboy hat. After a short battle involving hurled chopsticks, flying elbows, a vinegar squirt-bottle, and a gucci sweater ripped off a well-dressed terrier, I managed to slash open the assassin. I had no idea Girlfriendoseyo was so accurate with her deadly trachea blows, nor that she could fold a napkin into a crease sharp enough to draw blood, and weild it with such deadly skill!

Here are his innards, looking surprisingly like the delicious yakisoba we'd polished off just minutes before the attack.

We had to clean off the hot-plate before the guy brought out our Okonomiyaki. The Oknonomiyaki, we ate undisturbed.

[the food was good. Every time I go to Osaka, I'm eating this dish, just like every time I go to Andong, I'm eating Jjimdalk, and getting a big bag of stuff from Mammoth Bakery for the ride home].

As you can see, the storefronts and entrances were full of mechanical surveillance pigeons "roosting" and waiting to give the Yakuza news of our location. Fortunately, through a combination of stealth, speed, and an automated dummy made out of parts of a dismembered Hello Kitty animatronic store-window doll, we managed to give them the slip. A contact in Kyoto claimed to have information for us, so we headed over there as quickly as we could.

[this bakery had a line from The Lord's Prayer" in it -- "donne-nous aujourd'hui notre pain du jour" means "give us this day our daily bread" -- I was intrigued to see a LOT of French in Kyoto -- signs, restaurant names, foods; French was everywhere. I'm curious about the history of that.]

At Evans Shop (below), a man in a spinning bowtie beckoned us to enter the storage room with him, where he explained that, at great risk to his person, he had obtained news about Girlfriendoseyo's Brother's Wife's Sister. She was being kept in the penthouse suite of a hotel in central Kyoto, and forced to oxygenate Yakuza Boss Molly's fishtank with a swirly-straw. A strange punishment indeed, but a fortunate turn for us, as the sister in-law, in-law hadn't been injured yet. We asked him the name of the hotel and just as he was about to tell us, a poison dart hit him in the jugular, and he fell to our feet.


We ran down this street, into a network of back-alleys... bad idea, in retrospect, when being chased by ninjas who know the city well, but we were in a hurry, and didn't have time to discuss things.

Thanks to girlfriendoseyo's spectacular night vision, and my own skill with lawn darts (which I carry with me whenever I'm on a dangerous mission) we managed to locate and, um, bulls-eye most of the ninjas waiting to ambush us in shadows before they could get to us.

The back streets were picturesque, and I'm afraid I may have accidentally "tagged" a few non-ninja couples in my effort to take care of all the black-hooded assassins... but we survived the night. The task of the next day was clear: to identify which hotel penthouse she was in, and bust her out, as stealthily as possible.
[Marutamachi and Karasumaoike areas: amazing side-streets]

The hotels and restaurants in this area didn't turn up much... though we had a few bites to eat, and twisted some arms and fingers getting information about gang-owned hotels in the area. Some were quickly eliminated as possibilities, but other candidates sounded promising. Then we got attacked by a few gangs who didn't want us interfering in the business of their mobster overlords.

[turns out the Korean wave has reached Indonesia in the form of Bali bali culture. Haw haw haw.]
Although the trained assassin Orang-utans and battle drones made things difficult, fighting them off in such a pretty setting was fun. At one point, an Indonesian street gang joined in to help us battle their rival gang of mecha-droids, but once we wandered into the Iron Sushi Chef's turf, the Indonesian gang didn't dare confront those long-knife-wielding cooks.

[Across the river, in the Motomachi area]
A moment of rest in the middle of a tough evening.

[more of the motomachi area]
You can see how the many shadows meant a lot of great hiding places for ninjas and snipers. Fortunately, our senses, heightened by adrenaline, never let us down.
Finally, a fish vendor helped us with some crucial information about penthouse fishtanks, and a swirly-straw artisan's delivery-girl confirmed the location for us. The next morning, we would strike. However, to be well-rested, we walk some pretty streets,

took some photos for our cover story,

And went to bed after a quick visit with a gadget-builder I know in Kyoto, to stock up on super-badass equipment.

[I liked the level of green-consciousness in Japanese cities, and the actions they'd taken to make living more sustainably an actually feasible possibility for citizens]

[this bike garage was one example of that]

[every cultural stereotype in Japan, in one place... all that's missing is a samurai sword and maybe a giant robot]
He gave us a Hello Kitty Geisha doll that had heat and echolocation sensors inside, which could locate every living being within a 30 meter radius.

[what home is complete without cloth, stuffed sushi replicas, really?]
And some smoke pellets, noise-makers, chaos toys, magnetic pulsars, and flares for distractions.

The next morning we mad our move.

Despite being well guarded by mullets,

we forged a pass to get into the compound by impersonating a pair of schoolgirls.
[I liked the tickets to get into the Golden Pavillion]

With a careful blend of stealth and decisive violence, we found our way through the hordes of bodyguards...

to the penthouse where my sister-in-law-in-law was confined.

The approach was booby-trapped, but Indiana Jones reruns were enough to get by them.

After we found her, we snuck her out, disguised as construction workers carrying loads of supplies.
[This was at Ryoanji Temple - loved this place]

Boss Molly's bodyguards came out with knives and swords; after the forest sword fight, all the middle-range branches in the area had been lopped off. It was very conscientious of the bodyguards not to actually cut down the trees, though. These Japanese are getting so environmentally conscious! I never thought I'd live to see a sustainable gang in my life.

This cute couple was collateral damage. Too bad. I liked the guy's shirt, and his kind of bookish air.

[I could find this spectacular pagoda on google maps, but I couldn't find back its name. There were monks there, singing.]

Finally, we found the control tower that had been sending "kill" orders to every assassin robot and automated killing machine in the whole darn city. A few well-placed wires cut, and a transmission antenna maimed, and we didn't even have to burn down the wooden cultural artifact in which it was built.

Our getaway car.
[I was intrigued by all these cube-shaped cars... does anybody know why blunt-fronts are the new rage in Japanese cars? Is it something about the aerodynamics, or just the interior space?]

[White duck in pond]

This duck decoy concealed my final communication with my contact in Kyoto: his help with maps and information about Boss Molly's resources were extremely useful, and he also lent us a really great DVD we watched on Saturday night.
This forest was a hiding place where we stayed for about four hours when the hunter/killer droids and fell beasts were a little too hot on our trails. We covered our tracks and hid in a tree.
[I like mottled sunlight on moss. It reminds me of BC]

This was the path down which the last stalker disappeared, before we could finally head out for the airport.

You wouldn't know it, but this entire gate actually turns into a giant mecha robot. But he's good. Backed us up in a pinch. Japan is awesome!

Nice detail work, even on the giant mecha bots.

[these monks were chanting at the temple's closing time. It was awesome]

[This temple - don't remember the name - was the most serene: actual monks were studying/practising there; that might be why it had that atmosphere that the others kind of lacked.]

This moat is the final resting place of Yakuza boss Molly. Frustrated that her legions hadn't finished us off, she came after us herself. For a nine-year-old, she was super fast, and it took Girlfriendoseyo and me all our talents to stop her.

[loved how the couples were spaced out, almost exactly equal distances from one to the next]
This was the riverfront where I accepted the Hara-kiri of Boss Molly's three top lieutenants. Their shame in failing to protect their boss was only reconcilable through a samaurai death.

It was in the Gion area that we finally tracked her down. She had been disguised as a geisha, and we wouldn't have recognized her at all except for a large mole on her cheekbone, the shape of which even the Geisha makeup couldn't hide. Not to mention, the white paint on the back of her neckline was shaped like that of an apprentice geisha, while her hairdo was that of a full-fledged geisha: the kind of lapse that was a dead giveaway to an observant eye.
After not much more work, we pulled her aside and got her onto the rooftops of the neighborhood, where we navigated above the labyrinth of alleyways, and found our way back to our hotel without any of the ninjas finding us. We found shelter in this Shinto ... it might have been a shrine, it might have been some kind of a school ... until we could catch a ride to the airport. Of course, we had to take regular transit -- all the express buses and trains were being watched.

Also: to combine cheesy North-American coffee puns with an Asian health-food buzzword, I saw this cafe:

Monday, October 05, 2009

Post 700

(from someone at the marmot's hole comment board)

Yesterday, I got back from Kyoto for Chusok vacation, and it was great, other than an allergic reaction. I got a shoulder bag I like, that doesn't make Girlfriendoseyo cringe when I show up for a date lugging it around (I'm addicted to my books, see), but I'll write about that more, later.

I made it to 700 posts here at Roboseyo (if you include the odd unpublished draft that Blogger counts on my dashboard). That also amounts to 300 years of my surrogate sister Antaya's blog, or about ten weeks of Brian in Jeollanam-do.

It's been an interesting ride... blogging has been fun and it's led to some worthwhile connections. As time's gone by, the Korea blog community has gotten livelier and more interesting, as well as more connected: about a year ago, I decided that if I was going to put as much time into blogging as I had, I could only justify it if it helped me enrich my actual life -- one where I meet real people and do actual stuff with them, rather than just coming up with the silliest or smartest comment I can on a comment board, and getting my jollies when somebody at The Marmot's Hole says "I agree with Roboseyo".

Meanwhile, some other stuff has happened that's put blogging into perspective a bit... among the other things I've learned, part of it is that blogging needs to be held in its place in relation to other things, and last spring, while the ATEK stuff was important, it also showed me how far blogging can go, and where talking on the internet has its limitation -- another example of this would be Kushibo's call to take Anti-English Spectrum to task, not just online in English, but in Korean, and better yet, in the Korean legal system. Another case of this would be a friendship which I neglected last spring, while working on the ATEK stuff, and the Anti-English stuff, and with Ben Wagner on some stuff, which now needs to be made right. That sucks. And I still don't write home enough. Which is more of a problem now that the Blog is less personal than it was back in, say, 2007, when nobody read it.

See, the numbers can be an addiction. The hit counts, that stuff -- it gets to be a bit much: those hits are some kind of approval, from a bunch of strangers, which in its own way, is purer than the approval of friends who know you, who already have a vested reason for visiting the blog... but then, none of those 300 hits a day ever bought me lunch, or let me talk about losing my mom, or cleaned my apartment when I was sick, or lent me a book for my discussion class...

so I took the stat counters off Roboseyo a few Saturdays ago, because I don't want Roboseyo to be about hits anymore. I'll still talk about similar topics, because I care about them, or because they entertain me or give me joy, and because I love telling stories. Love it. And I enjoy the comment conversations, too -- they're great, especially when somebody tells me I'm wrong, and we get to argue about it. I actually don't mind being told I'm wrong, given how sloppily I often research stuff. If you want scholarship, this ain't the place.

I do funny and awesome videos, though.
I've mentioned before that I love mash-ups. Here's a mash-up of the 25 top songs of 2008, by DJ Earworm.

And, because it's a Korea blog, this one isn't quite as awesome as the previous one, but it's still pretty cool, and if you've listened to a lot of K-pop, it's really fun: the same idea, but with 2008's top K-pop songs, instead.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Korean Language Schools in Jinju and...

So, Seoul National University SAYS it wants to be more international, if by "international" you mean "ranked higher on the Newsweek World's top 100 universities" list...

but isn't willing to put its money where its mouth is. Another case of "I want it to look like I'm doing it, and I want my status on international rankings to reflect it... but I don't actually want to change what I'm doing." More at The Korea Times. Time for a little name and shame?

Next: I got this e-mail today. Wonder if anybody'd be able to answer this cat's question:

...I am a Humanities undergrad student specializing in Korean culture in Toronto, Canada...
Maybe you could post my question up on your blog?

Basically, I would like to know if you know of any Korean language schools in Jinju?
I am interested in pursuing a graduate degree in Korea, and I posses only a very basic level of Korean language skills.
Even if there are language schools in Seoul/Busan/other cities, I would love to know.
If you have any information regarding this, any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

To start, here's the Galbijim wiki about online learning resources...

next... what are the formal, physical-building schools people can attend?

One sad and one weird...

Looks like (or at least, one can wish) the "I was drunk" defense is losing traction in Korean courts and, more importantly, in the court of public opinion (because the law will, eventually, follow the ethos of the people). This guy did such horrible things to a little girl, that I don't even want to type them out, or I'll have to wash my hands for ten minutes, but netizens are FURIOUS that he only got 12 years. I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time Korean netizens (whom you can hate for other reasons, at other times, but occasionally get things right) have decided "I was drunk. I had a hard life" is no longer enough to qualify for clemency.

in other news, it'd be interesting to study the relationship between netizen and public opinion in Korea, compared with other countries, as well as to compare the level of reporting on netizen "gusts of popular opinion" with the level other countries' media report on netizen opinion shifts.

In less ghastly (or at least, ghastly in a funny way) news: the band HAM (yes, that's right. Ham). Has an uplifting song for you about putting away your sorrows... but instead of forgetting your sorrows by going "DOOOOWNTOOOOWN" as Petula Clark advised, they suggest you should do the "Tee-Tee Dance" (which sound an awful lot like the "Titty Dance"), from the emoticon T.T, which is supposed to look like a pair of crying eyes.

It's a cute, uplifting song with an uninspired video, and the band (which is new) has added a new item to the list of items you can put on your K-pop video bingo list: "Shaking the video camera as a substitute for dancing ability" which goes along with "strobelight as a substitute for dancing ability" on the list of fudgeing effects.

Watch for the asian poses in the last third of the video.

Anyway, Brian and a few other people pointed out this video yesterday, and I'm not sure if I was disappointed or relieved that "Do the Titty Dance" didn't mean something a bit more like this:

(or this)

...or maybe this

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Now that Dan Gray has been put in his place... a celebration. bliss-out by proxy

Yes, we can move on, now that Dan Gray is a heap of shame and dirty clothes, and I'd like to point out to you a blog(ger) of which(whom) I am a fan: after running another blog for a while, and bumping into awkwardnesses when her adult students found it, and started reading it, she moved to a new address and has continued posting all kinds of excellent music.

Here is her bliss-out post, of music in which (or maybe by which) light is victorious over darkness.

67 Reasons Dan Gray Sucks

So Dan Gray has decided I'm his nemesis.

So it's time for me to let you all know the real Dan Gray, because really, the K-blogosphere has been entirely too bland since Metropolitician and Baeksu had their last falling out, and I'd like to make a case for why you should all be on MY side when it's time to March on Dan's twee little cupcake-eating apartment with pitchforks and torches.

His favorite Star Trek captain was Jonathan Archer.

This scene was based on Dan Gray's love life.

He eats mild salsa sauce.

He thinks Eddie Murphy's best movie was "Pluto Nash"... followed by the The Nutty Professor series.

His mom stood him up for the prom.

He can't decide whether Creed or Nickelback is the new U2.

KGB vodka coolers are too bitter for him.

He got drunk just from reading that last sentence.

He still says "Yeah, baby," like Austin Powers.

He identifies movies by the name of the lead actor or actress, and a short line from the soundtrack's theme song: "Hey. Let's watch Leonardo DiCaprio -- MYYYY HYEART WILLLLLL..."

Here's his idea of a comeback:

wait for it.

"I hate you, Roboseyo."

When he eats cookies, he says "I'm a keebler elf!" and sings an elvin song.

After watching The Matrix ten years ago, he said to me the other day, "Hey, you know, what if WE'RE in the Matrix, right now? That'd be weird, wouldn't it?"

He still ends sentences with "not!"

He claims his collection of Morphin' Power Rangers Action Ficures is going to be worth something someday, and that's the only reason he still keeps them.

And plays with them.

He sits down when he pees.

On the bathroom floor.

He still does a Borat impression. But he always pooped in a plastic bag.

He calls Maxim instant "Real coffee."

He cried at the end of D-Wars.

When he had to start dressing more formally because he became an adult, his mom made a youtube video to show him how to attach his tie. It was a clip-on.

He looked up all his former classmates on Facebook, and sends them each a vampire bite a week.

He plagiarizes lines from The Search For The Holy Grail to insult me... but picks the wrong ones. "Hey Roboseyo: 'Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!' Hey! Hey Roboseyo! 'Three shall be the number thou shalt count' haha!"

He thinks Scary Movie 3 was better than Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Because his criteria for good movies is frequency of shots of hot women running in slow motion.

So he also thinks Transformers 2 was better than The Dark Knight.

He double-dips.

He once bathed in hand-sanitizer, and figures that'll keep him safe from Swine Flu until he dies.

He sings "My Way" at the Noraebang. Over and over.

He thinks Boyz II Men's ballads are subtle.

He gets shocked every time characters in Korean dramas get cancer.

He calls it "the google" and says "Why don't you do the google to it?" instead of "Why don't you google it" if somebody asks about something he doesnt' know.

Which means he says it a lot.

He can't eat the kimchi.

He thinks Stephen Colbert is serious.

He also thinks Dokdo Is Ours is serious.

He still hasn't found his mouse's right button.

When he sings, he tries to sound like Shakira.

And he does.

He wears pants with pleated fronts.

Old men wear pants with pleated fronts.

Also Dan.

He's worried that the elephant in Seoul Grand Park that threw a rock at the lady's head will get fair representation in court.

He thinks Ben Wagner is a fairy tale character.

He doesn't understand that words in acronyms stand for something.

He spent a year trying to lick his own elbows. He thought yoga would help.

His idea of yoga is sitting at the back of a Buddhist temple and shouting questions at the monks in charge of proceedings.

His feet got tired walking around, so he asked me to carry him.

Sometimes he wears his pants inside-out so that it's easier for him to access his pockets.

He still throws ice-cubes to show that he likes a girl.

His best pick-up line is "uhhhh, uhhhhh. Uhhhh. So.... woman...." and then runs away.

He doesn't get knock knock jokes. He goes to the nearest door.

He thought The Ugly Duckling was Mother Goose's kid.

When he plays rock scissor paper, he always chooses the fourth option: duck and cover.

He forwarded me the Numa Numa video. Last week.

His belly-button is 15 centimeters deep, and he stores skittles in there.

When you argue with him, he tells you the number of facebook friends he has to show you that he's right.

If you point out that his shoes are on the wrong feet, he says it makes him feel cool and kind of squishy that way.

When you scratch his ear, he pees.

If you ask him, "Do you live in North Korea or South Korea?" he has to think about it. Every time.

He thinks Jem and the Holograms was the band of the '80s.

He doesn't know Dokdo.

He says things like, "I'm going to go work on friendships with my facebook peeps... because I, unlike you, HAVE A LIFE!"

He still can't read Hangeul, and thinks Sejong is a brand of soju.

When he's charging his phone battery, he stands perfectly still and tries to "help it charge" with his mind-power.

He thinks Jeollanam-do is an elaborate hoax masterminded by Brian.

He thinks shouting animal noises at high volume is Japanese.

And in case you doubt any of these claims, here is a video clip that will put your doubts to rest.

OK, Dan. Your move.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Some pics and something seyo do not like.

Something I love love love about Korea:

the sitting outdoorsy stuff --

Especially outside the convenience stores.

This was by a lefty display near the Chunggyecheon. I believe they were spouting their ham-fisted "LMB is Worse than Chun-Doo-Hwan" junk on the very day of Roh Moo-hyun's funeral. It was really distasteful. I wish they could have put the propaganda away just for that day. Just one day, seriously!

Yeah I hate when people use Hitler's image or name in propaganda. Especially in Korea, where it has been pretty amply demonstrated that people do NOT understand the proper uses, or the sheer power of name-dropping Hitler, or what his image means.

[Update: Kushibo's comment reminded me... Koreans ain't the only ones using Hitler's image - this German charity's ad raised a stir... but at least it raised a stir in Germany, and was named inappropriate by a lot of Germans.]

Took these pictures. Like my camera.

By Konkuk university station, there's this huge new complex called Star City, which I walked around a while ago. It was actually pretty tootin' cool, as public space design goes.
Especially when it got dark, and the coloured lights came out.

It's with joy and dismay that I call firsties on spotting this new stupid Konglish trend: it's been spreading. In April 2008, I posted a picture of a "Sand & Food" -- a sandwich/coffee shop to go with "Sandpresso". Now, the word Sand has officially become a stand-in for the way-too-long-and-hard-to-pronounce-and-humorlessly-means-what-it-actually-says-thereby-not-making-Koreans-sound-stupid-when-they-try-to-use-English word "Sandwich"

examples are proliferating:
The sandcookie sucked. It was chewy in the middle like caramel, and the cookie was crumbly and way too sweet.

In samchungdong:

Near Jogyesa Temple:

I tried to find the "I hate sand" clip from "Star Wars II, Attack of the Clones" - but George Lucas doesn't like to share, so instead you get this weird fan redub, which is kind of funny from time to time.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Curious to Know...

I'd be interested to know ...

If the Korean media is approaching Jae-beom's quitting 2PM due to hyper-nationalist, knee-jerk Netizens, in the same way these thoughtful Korea Times articles are. (one) (two).

Because it's all well and good if they're saying this in English, but if they're saying this in Korean, then that's... really interesting.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Any Jeonju Tips?

Hey there. Planning a trip to Jeonju soon. Anybody got any tips about places to eat or things to do?

Came across...

While researching Asian-related racism for this blog post at Hub of Sparkle, I came across this... interesting... ad. (Warning: bad language, and a really rude, racist guy.)

Also: this one reminded me of my niece and nephew.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

File this one under "No S***, Sherlock"

Turns out men prefer women to wear sexy underwear and women prefer wearing comfortable underwear. Not to mention, women prefer not showing their underwear on the outside -- thong-straps or bra-straps showing -- but men turn out to like it. The Chosun Ilbo reports. You don't say.

Also, this just in: a survey of 7000 Canadian, Russian, Chinese, and American bears reveals that their preferred place to shit is in the woods. The startling exception to this is Arctic polar bears, who prefer shitting in the snow.