Showing posts with label technical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technical. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm not a tech blogger, but memo to Korea: Germany thinks your browser sucks

The country of Germany has encouraged the whole country to stop using Internet Explorer, as it was the browser that made the hacker attacks on Google China possible. Microsoft itself has said that Internet Explorer might have been the weak link in those attacks.

Meanwhile, Internet Explorer six remains the most popular browser in Korea. Imagine building the greatest highway infrastructure in the world - a country full of Autobahns - and then allowing only horse and buggies on it. That's Korea's internet right now.

I really like that google's finally taking a stand against China's web censorship. The information age is making the great firewall of china more porous: it seems that it can be circumvented if people know how, easily enough. Meanwhile, it makes me nervous that the google accounts being attacked were those of Human Rights agitators living in China. I like that Youtube/Google Korea preferred to block uploads and comments from Youtube Korea, rather than require real names.

This is reminiscent of a little while ago, when hackers based in China took over a bunch of zombie computers, including that of the Dalai Lama, hacking into the computers and stealing access to their files, and even being able to take control of their webcams to snap photos ... later the Chinese government seemed to tip its hand, communicating to people who were scheduled to meet the Dalai Lama that such meetings would be ill-advised. (see here)

Ladies and gentlemen: the battlefield of the future, where ones and zeros will be more important than munitions and laser targeting systems.

The internet's an interesting place these days.

Friday, January 08, 2010

This is funny. Best PC vs. Mac so far.

(warning: there's a bad word at the end)

also, check out huffington post's "20 funniest sketches of the decade" - found on Kimchi Icecream's facebook wall.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

If only Koreans used Google...

If Koreans used google, here is an elegant solution to territorial disputes that Google is using between China and India, that could be used here in Korea for a certain other... Islandish Asia Correspondent explains.

Unfortunately, Koreans don't use Google. Last time I was on a PC Room computer, visiting some of my favorite sites, a window or notification opened, saying, in effect, "Hey there. You're using Internet Explorer 6. Microsoft will stop supporting IE 6 really soon, and it's archaic and really slow, and the security is rubbish, and many websites run faster, or work better if you try browsing with Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, or IE 8."

And the question is, when the rest of the world forgets about IE 6, will Korea finally decide to update its browser programming, or will Koreans simply stop visiting foreign sites entirely (as opposed to only mostly avoiding them now), and Naver and Daum's takeover of Korean netizens intellectual input will become complete? (Maybe that was the plan all along... pretty awesome evil plan if it was)... on the other hand, when The Machines take over and Skynet infiltrates the world through the internet, maybe Korea will be immune. Terminators will reach the Korean border and go "WTF? This country is incompatible" leaving Korea alone unaffected. Or maybe the robot army will be stuck at the border, frozen, uploading activeX controls, until Korean soldiers can take them out.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Don't know why, but there's a glitch in blogger that's putting links from my page at the bottom of the entire blogosphere. Don't exactly know why, but I hope it gets fixed soon. If I'm plugging up the "links to this page" section at the bottom of posts on YOUR blog, sorry. Please don't be annoyed: I don't know what's going on either.

Until that time, here's a video of dolphins that's pretty amazing.

(PS: I'm going to China on Saturday!)