Having a new baby will do that. Other than seeing a kid dressed up as a cow, and, during a trip around town, seeing about 4000 young people dressed as K-pop stars (though that might have just been their ordinary daily dress), I celebrated Halloween at home with my family.
Babyseyo and I dressed up as each other.
My babyseyo mask didn't fit all that well, and babyseyo had trouble drinking from a bottle through the Roboseyo mask, so he didn't wear it for very long. But still...
It was awesome.
that is the creepiest thing I have seen in ages . . .
hahahahaha XD
Love it!
happy to visit here
from Turkey
can follow you?
This picture makes me think you should name your son "David Lynch Ouewhand."
stupid joke
With a haircut like your's who needs a mask?
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