
Saturday, July 18, 2009

While I'm In Canada...

1. holy crap, tapwater tastes good.
2. my nieces and nephews are super cute
3. it's way different going around town with your siblings AND an infant, than going around town just with a sibling and their spouse. ("Can we do a drive-through instead of a sit-down meal? Silas is sleeping, and... you know")
4. Red Deer Alberta has the fastest, busiest drive-throughs I've ever seen in my life.
5. A month vacation in Canada is just enough time for Tim Horton's to lose its novelty.
[overshare warning:] 6. In Korea, I'm an XL waist when I buy underwear. In Canada, I'm an M. Yay, overweight North Americans making me feel normal again!
6. Though Korea's population is double Canada's, its make-up consumption is probably ten times.
7. Western Canada's mountains are just effing gorgeous. So lovely.
8. But the bugs on your windshield after doing the Crow's Nest Pass are hella tough to clean off.
9. Vancouver has a Hindi radio station... and it's awesome. Indian music is great for driving, and I love how Hindi is the same language, yet it sounds so totally different depending on whether it's a male or a female speaking it.
10. I love cooking spaghetti for my family.
11. I'm going way over my mileage limit on my rental car. Tough cookies.

That's it for now. Having a good vacation. Hope you're all well, too.

Ask me about Tilley Endurables...


Jen said...

I don't think Canadian make up consumption could possibly be a full 10% of Korea's. Maybe the US's make up consumption...

matt said...

Over in Ontario now. Never was that into Tim Hortons - I tended to prefer the cherry crullers at Country Style (do they have those out west?). But the boston cream I had at the Tim Hortons on the way home from the airport was pretty damn good. The chicken wrap sucked, though.

The clouds of mosquitos are daunting, but the deerflies are even more annoying.

Speaking of clouds, the clouds are amazing here. Seriously. You just don't see clouds like these in Korea very often.

Oversharing regarding underwear: at least you didn't overcompensate and buy (unreturnable) size small. It seemed plausible at the time...

Roboseyo said...

toronto, hey? I remember the thunderstorms in southern ontario summers. i'll be in and around niagara for 4 days before flying back to Korea on the 25th.

dokebi said...

I'll have to check out the Indian radio stations then

Thanks for telling us about your vacation!

Anonymous said...

Korea's population isn't double that of Canada's.
Canada 33.59 million
South Korea 48.37 million

kissmykimchi said...

Vacations at home are awesome! Since you are in the motherland how about some maple syrup, flap jacks, and a dvd box set of Forever Knight?

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