
Thursday, May 29, 2008

After moaning about Dunkins in my last post. . .

At least they got this much right: how to handle potentially/actually offensive content in an ad.

From the linked article, about a Dunkin' Donuts spokesperson wearing a scarf that unintentionally resembled the keffiyeh, a scarf symbolic of Palestinian jihad:

“Absolutely no symbolism was intended. However, given the possibility of misperception, we are no longer using the commercial," the company said in a statement.
They pulled the ad entirely because of a possible misunderstanding of its meaning.

To Coreana (who merely rephrased a slogan and narration and attempted to smooth over a Nazi reference, and to my knowledge, is still running the offensive ad): are you listening?

(Update: Seoulpodcast says Coreana did pull the ad, finally, in mid-April.)
Hat tip to Sonagi and Gypsy Scholar.

(meanwhile, I can hear sirens in the distance from the beef protests. Hundreds, maybe thousands of North Koreans die weekly in death camps or of starvation, and South Koreans save their outrage for American beef imports???)


Anonymous said...

Thousands of North Koreans die weekly in death camps or of starvation, and South Koreans save their outrage for American beef imports???

Could you get that on a T-shirt? Perhaps in both Korean and English? I'd buy one.

Brian said...

You just don't understand Korean mind.

Anonymous said...
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Roboseyo said...

Hey RJK. Didn't know you came by here. I took your comment and number down, but will call, maybe mid-week, after a few other time-sensitive issues are handles.

Unfortunately, am not married yet.

Anonymous said...

Hey , I'll be in that. Contact me via my blog, I know a great places downtown for chilli fries, you know you want dammit.

JIW said...

I would like to understand Korean mind too. But when I saw protesting in San Francisco it was kind of the same thing...ppl used it as a way to give themselves a badge but really it is fake.

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