
Monday, January 19, 2009

The Five Best Pictures I Took During My China Trip

As you know, I was in China for four weeks, just now. I don't want to bore you all to tears with miles of text about my China trip, or reams and reams of pictures... but I want to share some of it. The best stuff, you know.

So here are the five best pictures I took during my trip. And ooh, brother, it's been hard getting it down to five.


(In no particular order, some of the pictures I think are interesting:)

Out the window of the all-night train from Shenzen to Guilain: the lit inside caught a reflection on the window, as a dark tree flashed by. I believe Matt actually took this picture, but it was on MY camera.
Trees in mist in the Longji Rice Terraces in Longsheng.
The Hong Kong Skyline, always a work in progress. From a walkway near Central Station.

A boat on Erhai Lake, near Dali City, Yunnan Province, South China

A skating couple at dusk in what I believe is Qian Hai Lake, Beijing, China.

And finally, you know Korea's left a permanent mark on you, and who you are, when you're on the Great Wall Of China, and you look around in awe at the mountain ridges and the amazing vistas, stunned by one of humanity's great engineering achievements, and you think, "Hey! I'm ought to commemorate this with a selca!" (Selca is an abbreviation for "self camera" -- picture of myself, taken by myself, a recently coined Konglish catchphrase.)

Don't forget: it's not too late to nominate blogs for the K-Blog Awards at The Hub Of Sparkle. Since I posted it, it would be a bit disingenuous to nominate myself in the various categories, but if YOU, my lovely readers, like my blog (hint hint) YOU are WELCOME (hint hint) to nominate my blog for various categories, as you see fit. (hint hint)

After all: what's the fun of the internet if you can't stuff ballot boxes from time to time.
The categories for the Klog Awards (or the Golden Kimchis) are...

  1. Best Overall Korea Blog, 2008golden-kimchi
  2. Most Thought Provoking Korea Blog, 2008
  3. Most Current and Timely Korea Blog, 2008
  4. Most Helpful Blog to Expats in Korea, 2008
  5. Funniest Korea Blog, 2008
  6. Happiest Blogger, 2008
  7. Angriest Blogger, 2008
  8. Best Pop Culture Blog, 2008
  9. Best Culture Blog in General, 2008
  10. Best Food Blog, 2008
  11. Best Korea Photography Blog, 2008
  12. Craziest Comment Board in a Korea Blog, 2008
  13. Most Interesting Comment Board in a Korea Blog, 2008
  14. Best New Korea Blog, 2008
  15. Up and Comer - Blogger To Watch in 2009
  16. Best Post or Series by a K-Blogger, 2008
  17. Korea Blog Most Completely Taken Over by Obama’s Run To The Presidency, 2008


JIW said...

Please bore us with the details... I am really curious!!

JIW said...


I tried to post more votes on Sparkle..but I don't know if it worked.. I am going to go sleep now for Japan.

If you could see this gets up there that would be great:
I got 2 shoes
Funniest Korea Blog (see above)

Up and Comer - Blogger To Watch in 2009: The Seoulpatch

Most Current and Timely Korea Blog: Zenkimchi, Roboseyo
(That is all I can think of for now)

JIW said...

Also that pic of golden kimchi is kind of scary looking.

danielle said...

I'm telling you, the beard works.

Roboseyo said...

Girlfriendoseyo has a response to your comment, DB:

"It's easy you can say that, DB, because you only watch it. You don't KISS the scratchy beard."

Rebecca said...

I like the beard too, but I think Girlfriendoseyo outvotes me too.... And I have to say, that is the very most awesome selca I have ever seen -- great new word, too, congratulations, Korea!

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