
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Help a fella out

Bill Kapoun is an English teacher in Korea; there was a near-fatal fire in his apartment, and he got second and third degree burns all over his body.

Unfortunately, his school did not cover him under Korea's health insurance system, and are now shirking any responsibility for his medical care, leaving him up a creek without a paddle. He's gonna have a lot of bills to pay, and has nowhere to get the money, so his sister is organizing an online fundraising campaign. I don't know him, but I hope strangers'd do the same if it happened to me.

Go here and help him out.


Anonymous said...

Although I know the victim of this fire, I love when you say that you are willing to help a stranger because you would love strangers to help you if you were in need too.

Many people say "the want to save the world" in other words, but when asked for help from a particular person, we ignore them, just because it is not thousands of children living in famine in Africa.

On the bright side there are nice and empathetic people like you.

Roboseyo said...

Thanks, eh?

Glad I had the chance to try and help out. Hope you're doing OK these days, too.

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